Reiki treatments

Reiki room

A Reiki Treatment usually lasts from 40 minutes to an hour , but can be longer according to the client’s needs.

My Reiki room is peaceful and relaxing; and there will be calming music playing in the background throughout the treatment.

The client lies down on a therapy couch (fully clothed), or can sit if they wish to. I then place my hands lightly, on (or off if the client prefers) several positions along the body, which are the main energy centres, or Chakras, starting at the head, and working down the body.

By placing my hands on or near the body, I intuitively draw the Higher Spiritual Reiki through me and into the client’s energy centres, or parts of the body that need to be rebalanced or unblocked. The client usually feels very relaxed while the treatment is happening- they often drift off into a light meditative state, or even fall asleep. Some people see colours, feel heat from the practitioner’s hands, ‘twitch’, have dreams or visions or other phenomena, everyone is different.

Reiki is a Holistic therapy- that is it works on the ‘whole person’, physically, mentally, emotionally, and Spiritually. Clients may come for a specific physical problem, but might be surprised to find they have emotional issues, or mental or spiritual issues which also need to be addressed.

If a client is generally healthy and ‘well-balanced’, they would still benefit from Reiki’s ability to maintain a healthy, relaxed, and a stress-free way of life.


£45.00 for the first treatment (this includes £5.00 for initial consultation where your needs are discussed and a consent form is filled in).

Further treatments cost £40.00

The number of sessions needed will differ according to individual needs. I would advise 3 consecutive treatments over 3 weeks for long-standing conditions initially, then evaluate how to progress from there. However, even one treatment will have a positive effect. Some people like to have ‘maintenance’ Reiki, about once a month, when they feel they are in a ‘state of balance’ in their lives.



I have trained in Crystal Therapy. Certain crystals and gems possess a powerful energy that can positively affect imbalances in human energy fields and thus promote health and well-being. Crystal therapy is a channel for pure positive energy. It can be deeply relaxing and releases blockages.

Crystals may be used to enhance your Reiki treatment if you wish. Please ask for further details.